Date-09.07.2016 #libdxfrw library:- c++ library (read/write dxf files)

It is used to make :- line point text

library structure:- 1. entitywriter.cpp (function define) 2. entitywriter.h (functions declaring) 3. main.cpp (execute input.cpp file of user) 4. input.cpp (user end file)

entitywriter.h:- there are all the functions inside it like function of line,circle. declaring variable in input.cpp files

using loops in input.cpp files (everything in c++). parameteric input by variables declaring above.


dimensions - not working at present

Discussion of layer function:-

Create layers above before drawing a entites. And if the user want to use a specfic layer for multiple different entities then he/she can 		
use as 
	set <layer_name>{ 

To do:-

run program through cgi. User can give the input in the form as webpage by CGI.

Question asked by saini:

sir reply: arc everytimes is circular but not parabolic. (i.e. spline)

Sir suggested use this library unstead Autocad (to civil student): because it take time to start.

Asked question by Monisha :

What would be the arguments of the dimension :

Sir replied, first give dimension on graph paper manually. Or Dimensioning:

two point pass in dimensions: (starting point, ending point)